blog entry from October 13th,2021

Some Thoughts On Modern Networking.

So then. Looks like this is my first blog post. I'm not gonna introduce myself too much, take a look at the about page, if you want to get some more information.

I'm a person who isn't on the internet too much. I do have Instagram and Facebook, but those sides just lost their charm for me. It's lost the magic and mystery of meeting random internet strangers because everyone seems to have every single information about their lives out to see for everyone.

And it's all about self-presentation. Nobody wants to be realistic on social media and for example show people the boring and hard parts of life. No, everyone is perfectly styled 24/7 and at best sits at the beach the whole day making Instagram pics.

Of course I'm very much talking in absolutes right now. I know many people are not like this. But it's the prominent picture you get when you go online sadly.

Do you guys remember the old days? Those days of forums and MySpace? Where conversation and connection was so much more simple but also much more sincere.

Back then people just got together to talk about interests they share, or just what they are doing. If you had a question, you'd be pretty likely to have it answered in just a few minutes. Or hours. But even hours wasn't much for us back then. That's just what it takes to load my front page, you know. ;-)

I very much miss those days. I wasn't really around for the really early days but the early 2010s were absolutely my time. Back then I first learned how to use html, for designing my forum signature or my MySpace. I was a little astonished at how easy that was for 10y.o. me back then.

When I first looked back into html, I felt like it would be easier to learn Chinese than this. But in reality it's pretty easy once you understand the basic commands. I'm very much still a noob, but I'm sure over time I'll become better.

This page is now going to be my place to share my thoughts and ideas, because I don't really want to use Instagram and Co. anymore. And even if no one reads it, it's also just kind of like my online diary.

So if you've made it through my first blog post.... Thank you, first of all, to listening to what my brain produces. I'm hoping to have a comment section on my blog entries soon. If anyone actually reads what I write here I'd be very interested in how they found my page.

Let's connect like the old days again. Thank you for reading. - Nika